According to its difference, identify whether the following statements are a normal change in the aging process or a manifestation of dependence on the need for oxygenation in the elderly. You have two attempts. Once you finish, you can verify your performance with a brief message.

Accumulation of secretions in the respiratory tract.
The aging process decreases the ability to expel mucus, so it tends to be removed from the airways with difficulty.
Right. In the presence of an excess of mucus in an infectious process, the secretions accumulate, and it is very important to suggest the treatment to eliminate them.
There is diminution in the production of Ig A ( immunoglobulin A).
Correct. Due to the aging process, the immune system deteriorates and, consequently, the production of IgA decreases, which causes the elderly to be at frequent risk of respiratory infection.
Watch out. Only in the presence of a disease in the immune system of the elderly, the severe decrease in IgA production can cause frequent respiratory infections.
Slight diminution in the height in the eldery provoke changes in the respiratoy pattern.
By losing a few centimeters, less than 7.5 in his height, the eldery has slight changes in breathing, but is able to attend to their daily activities.
Only as a result of the decrease marked by more than 7.5 cm in height, the eldery breathes with difficulty and is not able to attend to their daily activities.
There is diminution in the total height, between 8.5 and 11.5 cm, besides low calcium levels.
The height of the eldery decreases in different amounts, but it is considered normal between 2.5 and 7.5 cm; The increase in the anteroposterior chest diameter should be checked.
You are correct. If the eldery loses more than 7.5 cm in height, it is usually caused by a health problem, perhaps due to osteoporosis.
The inspiration and the expiration don’t provide adequate ventilation.
If it was normal due to some anatomophysiological changes in the airways, inspiration and expiration would provide enough ventilation.
Correct. This happens due to the presence of some disease in the respiratory tract.
The heart wall, heart valves and blood vessels thicken and become stiff.
All right. Connective tissue changes in the wall of all arteries in the body; they become thicker and stiffer, but the demands of blood circulation in the elderly are satisfied.
There are other reasons to consider the blockage of the arteries, such as when the nutritional habits of the elderly has not been healthy and fat plates are added to the wall of the arteries that can cause obstruction in the blood circulation and cause a cerebral vascular disease.
The eldery shows a bluish color on the lips and nail beds.
Watch out. The decrease in the ability to cough and other normal changes in the respiratory system cause the eldery to have a slight difficulty expectorating the secretions, but it is not supposed to cause a bluish color.
Very well. This happens due to the excess of secretions in the respiratory tract, that is caused by the presence of a respiratory infection, which hinders the oxygenation of the tissues.
During auscultation, respiratory sounds such as rattling or wheezing are heard.
The normal changes of the aging process generate a slight difficulty to expectorate the secretions, but they manage to maintain the respiratory tract without accumulation of secretions; therefore, when air passes through the respiratory tract, no sounds are generated such as rattles and wheezing.
Right. The presence of a respiratory infection causes the production and excessive accumulation of secretions that, when air passes through the respiratory tract, cause rattling and wheezing or noises, such as bubbling and whistling.
There is fatigue caused by a decrease in oxygenation.
Correct! In fact, all respiratory anatomophysiological changes decrease the oxygenation capacity of the elderly, which causes slight fatigue; This does not prevent him from carrying out his daily activities, they only become slower.
All respiratory anatomophysiological changes decrease the oxygenation capacity of the elderly; but, in the presence of a respiratory problem, fatigue is accentuated, which prevents the elderly from carrying out their daily life activities.
Nursing diagnosis shows an ineffective respiratory pattern in the elderly.
Normal changes in the respiratory system, due to the aging process, do not alter the respiratory pattern.
Exactly. The presence of the ineffective respiratory pattern is a manifestation of dependence, since inspiration or expiration does not provide adequate ventilation, thanks to a respiratory problem.