
Identify the verbs

Identify and click on the verbs -or auxiliaries and verbs- that have a simple past form.

1. Germany was the first nation that adopted a social insurance program for the elderly in 1889.
2. The retirement age wasn’t 65 at the beginning, it was 70.
3. The sisters Patty and Mildred J. Hill composed the “Happy Birthday to You” song in 1893.
4. Where was the first birthday cake from? It was from Germany.
5. In the 19th century, the legal age for marriage in England was 21 years.
6. Why did the Ancient Romans think the engagement ring had a connection to the heart?
7. Americans didn’t invent the graduation hat, it was the Italians.
1. Germany was the first nation that adopted a social insurance program for the elderly in 1889.
2. The retirement age wasn’t 65 at the beginning, it was 70.
3. The sisters Patty and Mildred J. Hill composed the “Happy Birthday to You” song in 1893.
4. Where was the first birthday cake from? It was from Germany.
5. In the 19th century, the legal age for marriage in England was 21 years.
6. Why did the Ancient Romans think the engagement ring had a connection to the heart?
7. Americans didn’t invent the graduation hat, it was the Italians.
1. Germany was the first nation that adopted a social insurance program for the elderly in 1889.
2. The retirement age wasn’t 65 at the beginning, it was 70.
3. The sisters Patty and Mildred J. Hill composed the “Happy Birthday to You” song in 1893.
4. Where was the first birthday cake from? It was from Germany.
5. In the 19th century, the legal age for marriage in England was 21 years.
6. Why did the Ancient Romans think the engagement ring had a connection to the heart?
7. Americans didn’t invent the graduation hat, it was the Italians.