When it’s cold
When it’s rainy
When it’s windy
When it’s hot

Mexico City is fantastic, but its weather is unpredictable. Here are some tips to make your stay delightful and memorable.

Well done! Remember that always the first paragraph will tell you what the whole text will be about.

The city is located on a plateau at 7350 feet (2240 m.) above sea level. This means that the exposure to radiation (UV rays) is high. It’s a good idea to spread sunblock on your body and wear a hat. Fruit water is an excellent Mexican drink to cool yourself at low cost.

Well done! The clue idea is: It’s a good idea to spread sunblock on your body and wear a hat.

The place is situated on what was a lake. Floods are common so make sure to walk on high areas and far from the ponds on the street if you don’t want to be splashed by some drivers. It’s possible to enjoy a hot drink in a café while the drops slip down outside the window.

Well done! The clue idea is: if you don’t want to be splashed by some drivers.

Warm traditional drinks are popular in the city and work out. What about some coffee or atole (made mainly out of corn)? The variety of flavors for the last is wide, ranging from strawberry to coconut and guava. The only problem is that you can buy it only in the morning.

Well done! The clue idea is: Warm traditional drinks are popular in the city and work out.

There’s a lot of dust in the air of town. It’s useful to stop and close your eyes as the worst of the moment passes. Also watch out the eucalyptuses (there are many in town) and their breakable branches. Anyway, it’s great to let your hair be messed up.

Well done! The clue ideas is: it’s great to let your hair be messed up.