You used capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.
You used full stops at the end of a sentence.
You correctly used the verbs: like, love, dislike or hate to describe what you like.
After the verbs: like, love, dislike or hate, you used a vebr in “ING”.
You used the verbs correctly; they rightly related to the subject.
You used enough nouns to make a description and wrote them correctly.
Your text was free of misspelling.
The information was clearly stated.
The task was fully covered.
Your text was well-organized and understandable.

You could have done better! You were not paying attention. Take a look at your writing and compare them to the structure. You would notice this could be done easy. Good! You had some mistakes but in most of the cases you structured correctly. Try to analyze why you made mistakes and try to learn from them. Excellent! You were using this structure correctly. You were paying attention to vocabulary, punctuation and spelling. Great job!