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Presentation / Objective

Do you have a problem expressing the order of your ideas? So many things to say but…

Girl confused: I don’t know where to begin.

Unknown (2007) Heather 2. [photo]. Retrieved fon 2017, August 9 from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tavelkyosoba/527175278/sizes/l

Or… do you get confused when you use the words “before” and “after” because after sound similar to “antes”?

Before and after having a baby.

Through this lesson you will organize and express your ideas in an appropriate way, using correctly the different kinds of connectors to talk about past stories in an organized and logical way.


By the end of this topic you will:
Appropriately organise ideas, using the correct connectors to talk about past events in a logical and organised way.



Connectors show the relationship between the ideas. There are coordinating (and - but) subordinating (before, after) and transiting connectors (first, then, next, after that, finally, later).

Let's explore the use of each of them.

Joins two independent clauses and there is usually a comma before it.

A good exercise routine and a healthy diet can help you lose weight.

Exercise and healthy diet. Exercise and healthy diet.

Exercise and healthy diet

They join the main idea with another idea (dependent) that only makes sense if you mention the main purpose. The connector usually goes before the dependent sentence.

animacion   exercise

I didn't like my body.

Before and after doing exercise.

Before and after doing exercise

Note: The order of the ideas is not relevant.

I didn't like my body  animacion  exercise


This idea is not clear without the rest of the sentence. This is the dependent sentence.


Dependent sentence

Used between two independent ideas, to jump from one idea to the next without losing the connection.


Adapted from (J. Robinson, 2016)

First, Chris played a role in “Parks and recreation.” After that, he acted in the movie “What's your number.” Then, he met Anna Faris. Finally, he married her.

Chris Pratt and his wife.

Unknown (2011) Moneyball 15. [photo]. Retrieved fon 2017, August 9 from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyshek/6929856309/sizes/l

Connectors have different meanings and using them correctly will help you express your ideas better.

  • To add another idea (and)
  • To show a difference (but)
  • To show a time relationship (first, then, next, after that, before, later, finally)

We use it to put together two or more similar ideas or items in a list, usually before the last thing on the list.


Anna Faris and Chris Pratt starred in a movie together.
I did everything my mom asked me to do. I washed the dishes, set the table, cleaned my room and bathed the dog.

Expresses a contrasting or opposite idea.


I was very hungry but I didn´t have time to eat.

We use them to show the order and structure of what we say. First to stablish the beginning of our story and Finally to show the end after other events.


First I decided to cook something special, then I looked for the recipe in YouTube, after that I went to the supermarket for the ingredients and finally I started to cook.

We use it to show that whatever is said follows logically from something previously mentioned.


First I decided to cook something special, then I looked for the recipe in YouTube.

We use next when we want to talk about an action that happened after another in chronological order. It is usually used to give instructions or to avoid repeating another word that expresses a chronological order. A comma frequently follows it if it is at the beginning of the sentence. Sometimes is used with the article “the” to emphasise that the action after “next” is logically the second in order.


First I decided to cook something special. Next, I looked for the recipe on YouTube.

This connector that helps us link two ideas. When we use it in the middle of both ideas, it means the second one happened immediately after the first.


I went to the cinema, after that I visited a friend at her house.

When we use it at the end of both ideas it is to make reference to the first one without repeating it.


I went to the cinema and I visited a friend after that.

We use later to talk about an event that will occur in the future or after another previous event. After using later, we need to be specific about when something will happen.


I went to the cinema before I visited a friend.
Before I visited a friend, I went to the cinema

If “before” is followed by a verb, that verb needs to be conjugated in –gerund (ing).


Before visiting a friend, I went to the cinema.

We used later to talk about an event that will occur in the future or after another previous event. After using later we need to be specific about when something will happen.


I saw my friend in the morning and; later, that day we spoke on the phone.

(Swan, 2005)


Activity 1

Marilyn Monroe's biography

In the next activity, you will practice your reading comprehension and the connectors by reading the biography of one of the most significant feminist symbols of the 20th century. Marilyn Monroe’s Biography.


Activity 2

A lifetime problem

Practice your listening and comprehension by listening to a girl talking about her experience at a fat camp.


Cegoh (2014) cakes. [photo]. Retrieved on 2017, August 14 from: https://pixabay.com/es/tortas-crema-deliciosa-confiter%C3%ADa-489849/


Activity 3

How did everything happen?

The success of the actor Chris Pratt didn´t happen overnight, he had to work a lot to be famous today. Through this activity you will practice the uses of the connectors to give a logical order to the story of the actor.

Activity 4

Tell us about your own story of success

We have read and heard about stories of success and perseverance. Now it is time to know more about yours. In this activity you will write a short description of something you have achieved, using the connectors we have checked in the unit.

Before you start, organise your ideas in the order they happened. You should write between 100 and 120 words.

Read the following example; it is a guide to do this task. When you finish, use the rubrics below to evaluate your progress.


My most significant achievement in life

By Louis Vrittman

One of my greatest memories was the day when I got my bachelor’s degree. I think this is one of my most significant achievements in my life.

I spent many years of study and hard work at the university, only after that I finally got my bachelor’s degree in software engineering. I perceive my bachelors as a recognition of my effort and desire to acquire essential knowledge, develop my skills and abilities.

My next goal is to get a master's degree before I get married.

Finally I want to say that I have already got specific achievements in my life but, on the other hand, I believe that I can achieve more.


Activity 5

How did you achieve something important?

Along the unit, we have explored life stories of people who are famous or not. Now you will modify this activity to practice fluency and pronunciation. Using the previously explored connectors, talk about something relevant that has happened on your holidays in an organised manner.

  • Consider pronunciation.
  • Consider intonation.
  • Correct use of structures.
  • 1min maximum.
  • If you exceed the time, you will get fewer points.
  • Use at least five connectors.

You are going to record your voice, so write the ideas or the answers to these items bullets.


If you need to listen to an example, click here.

When you are ready, record your description. Then listen to it and check it using the following rubrics.


Do you want to do something different?

After reviewing all the information about “connectors” in the content, it is time to put your knowledge to practice.



• J. Robinson, J. P. (2016). Connectors: Usage and Meaning. Westminster, BC, Canada.
• Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage. En M. Swan, Practical English Usage (págs. 616 - 618). New York: Oxford University Press.