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Prepositions of place

(in, on, at, next to, in front of, behind, under, etc.)


A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place or space where something or someone is located.
Look at the following examples:

Types of description

Click on each concept to visualize detailed information.


The woman is happy.


(n. d.) (2010). Happy woman [photo]. Taken from https://flic.kr/p/apJDzZ


The man writes correctly.


James, J. (2009). Writing [photo]. Taken from https://flic.kr/p/62168f


The mouse was in the hole.


Kelly, J. (2012). Mouse [photo]. Taken from https://flic.kr/p/cpRr4N


By the end of this topic you will:
Use prepositions to tell others where something is located.


Prepositions use for location

In this section, keep in mind two key things.

First, we need to make a broad distinction between place and space. And ask, What is space? According to Yi Fu Tuan (1977, p. 8). The concept of space is general and has no limits or boundaries.

Second, consider the term prepositions used to indicate space or place.
Yet they do not have meaning by themselves. Imagine yourself entering a room and just saying: “AT!” or “IN!”.

Can you imagine the faces of the people in that room? They would be surprised or confused because prepositions need to be combined with other words, so they have meaning.

Look at the expressions in the box and notice that prepositions are being applied to the contexts of space or place.

next to in
on in front of
under on the right
above on the left
between into

In English, prepositions are usually used in the following manner:

My friends


in the gym


Notice that the preposition is part of a complement.

The entrance





Notice that the preposition is the complement.

Prepositions of space and place usually follow the following pattern.







Location (other objects)

The door






the windows.


(n. d.) (2012). Red house [photo]. Taken from https://flic.kr/p/bui75B

Exercise 1

Where is it?

Look at the location of the ball and match with the corresponding expressions.


Activity 1

My bedroom

In the following activity, you´ll see how these words are used to describe a location or space.


Activity 2

How I use prepositions to describe my bedroom

Prepositions are relevant in locations because they show locations.
Write a brief text describing your bedroom. Use at least five locations employing five different prepositions. Use a different preposition for each place.

1. on, in, under
2. on, in, between
3. in, under, next to
4. on, between, next to
5. between, next to, above


Activity 3

Why I love my house

Notice, you can describe locations or places with prepositions.
Listen to the track and write the correct answer for each item.


Activity 4

My bedroom in my words

Speaking English is different from writing. In this section it is important that you practice the way words related to this topic of prepositions are pronounced.

Record five sentences describing your bedroom.
Use the following prepositions of place:

• On /ɒn/
• next to /nɛkst tuː/
• under /ˈʌndə/
• in /ɪn/
• between /bɪˈtwiːn/

Look at the examples:

There is a big bed in my bedroom.
There is a pair of shoes under my bed.

Don´t repeat exactly any of the two examples. Your recording must be original and not longer than 50 seconds.

Before recording yourself, study the aspects that will be evaluated, they are described in the following rubric.


Expressing location with prepositions

To practice what you have learned so far as well as your geographical knowledge answer the final set of exercises.


Basic references

Elementary Wolof 201. (2017). Section: Prepositions. Retrieved on 2017, April 19 from https://publish.illinois.edu/wolof201fall14/grammar/prepositions/
Geography (2012). Section: Space vs. place. Retrieved on 2017, April 19 from http://geography.ruhosting.nl/geography/index.php?title=Space_vs._place
Tuan, Y. (1977). Space and Place: the perspective of experience [electronic document]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. Retrieved on 2017, April 19 from https://es.scribd.com/doc/60894082/Espacio-y-Lugar-Yi-Fu-Tuan

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