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Subject pronouns

Presentation / Objective


This time you will identify the use of subject pronouns when talking about others. It is essential that you recognise their importance in a sentence. They cannot be omitted but can be replaced by a subject pronoun to avoid repetition.
On this diagram you have an overall picture of this unit: a subject pronoun is a personal pronoun that is used as the subject of a verb.

By the end of this topic:
You will be able to identify the subject pronouns by talking about others through contextualised situations.
Grammar exercises Part A

Self assessment



At the end of this topic:
The student will be able to identify the subject pronouns by talking about others through contextualized situations.





Activity 1

My family, my life

After studying the information presented in the content section it is essential that you apply the previous knowledge about subject pronouns.



Activity 2

A special person

In the video that you watched in the content section, you identified the subject pronouns their importance and their use in English.

Remember that they can replace people, animal or things.
Listen to Sophie who talks about her best friend, Tina. Then answer the exercise.




Activity 3

Internet penpals.

Now that you have explored the correct use of subject pronouns and practised them in the previous sections, it is time to move from theory to practice.

Imagine that you have registered in Worldwide PenPals. It is a website where you can meet people from other parts of the world.

It is your turn to post a letter about you and your family.

Use the text that is in the reading section as an example.

Include the information on the following checklist:




Activity 4

Friends forever!

Remember that we cannot omit the subject when writing or speaking in English. It is necessary to replace the nouns with subject pronouns to avoid repeating the names we are referring to.

Do you have a best friend? I’m sure you have one. Everybody has a best friend or at least a friend that you know very well.

Now you have to talk about your best friend and give some information about him or her.

You can use the audio from the listening section as an example and listen to it here again.

After recording your audio evaluate it by using the following rubrics.



Who are they?

We have learnt that a subject pronoun is used to avoid repetition. It replaces the subject in a sentence: yourself, people or things.

Read the questions and complete the spaces with an appropriate subject pronoun.


Basic references

Murphy, R. (1998). Grammar in use. Reference and practice for intermediate students of English. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.


Murphy, R. (2008). Essential Grammar in Use. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.